
目前顯示的是 5月, 2015的文章

Philosophy of ABC

We all need the courage to get on the helicopter to find the real us. Sometimes we idle, thinking about those unreal things happening around us; or even we imagine we're the roles leading a movie though all of the imagination never happens authentically. You can be a hero in your imagination, but never be a coward in real life. Try to be adventurous, brave, creative, and be real you.


第一次來到這樣的地方,不論是什麼都很新奇 九彎十八拐的山路蜿蜒我的睡眠不足 醒來再次望向窗外的時候已經不想睡了 靜靜在山林裡傾聽大自然的聲音,蟲鳴鳥叫,一切在都市的奢侈不可多得 享受群樹環抱 漫步松針紅毯  偶爾陽光乍露 或是各個高點向下眺望 觀察植物的姿態 啊,原來杜鵑要盛開了